Lirik Ya elaahi (Ha Hallelujah)
Ya elaahi, ana albi byusjud leek
Ya elaahi, ana albi byeKHda’a leek
Ya Hamal mathbouH a’anni (x2)
leek elmajd wi lkaraama, welbahaa’ leek a’alama
sultanak beyHarrarni
leek elqowwa weljalal mne-lbashar abra’a jamal
ne’emetak betGHayyarni.
English Translation :
He who died instead of me: He who was dead instead of me, and carried all my burdens for me..In the heavens you intercede for me, my life was lost but you bought it back, my heart was lost, but you found it and opened my eyes. ( Oh my God my heart is worshipping You, my heart submits to You. You are the lamb that was slaughtered for me.) the glory and the Praises are for You, Your authority sets me free, the power and the majesty are yours, You are more beautiful than men, Your grace has changed me.